
The Great Age Reboot: Cracking the Longevity Code for a Younger Tomorrow by Michael F. Roizen, M.D

What would you think of age expectancy for women now age 65 to live to 110 and men to 107? This book offers research to back up this proposition.

Longevity will lead to more “prime-living” years, not “elderly” years by extending active years from 30-60 to 30-90.

There’s a high chance that between 2025 and 2035, typical 95 year olds will function more like the 50 year olds of today.

It’s not for the sake of extending lives for the sake of extending lives. Roizen sees longevity as increasing quality of life. The author makes a case for the medical, technological, scientific, and economic breakthroughs that allow more people to live longer and live well.


  • The lives of humans will be more unimaginable in 30 years than any prior 30-year period.
  • To live well, make good choices now. Take care of your body and brain.
  • Personal decisions matter more when the consequences last longer.
  • There will be bumps with this disruptor and it will take some getting used to.

Watch The Great Age Reboot–Michael Roizen