
How to Grow Old by Marcus Tullius Cicero–translated and introduction by Philip Freeman

Written in 44 BC, this book has wisdom to share with us in 2023. Fortunately, I don’t have to rely on my memory of high school Latin to read the book–it’s translated into English.

Here are some of Cicero’s most valuable lessons for us:

  1. A good old age begins in youth.
  2. Old age can be a wonderful part of life.
  3. There are proper seasons to life.
  4. Older people have much to teach the young.
  5. Old age need not deny us an active life, but we need to accept limitations.
  6. The mind is a muscle that must be exercised.
  7. Older people must stand up for themselves.
  8. Sex is highly overrated.
  9. Cultivate your own garden.
  10. Death is not to be feared.