
Shifting Seasons

Changing seasons awaken us to the nature of transition. In moving from summer to fall, we feel the continuing warm days along with cooler evenings. We more clearly notice what’s fading and what’s emerging.

With these transitions, we can reflect on changes in the seasons of life too:


What is your natural pace at this time of year/time of life?  Is it slower or faster?  Is it steady or intermittent?  Do you cooperate with the pace that’s natural to you?


What uplifts you as things shift?  What inspires you to new thought, action, or expression?


How can you savor the harvest of seeds, intentions, or goals from earlier in the year?  How do celebrate the bounty that you see?


Questions of the Month

What is your pace?

What inspires you now?

What are you savoring?



Practice of the Month


Is there anything left undone from your summer, year, or life?

If so, is this something you want to do or experience or complete?

If so, make a date to take action.

If not, can you let it go with ease?


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