
Reinvention Roadmap by Liz Ryan

Reinvention Roadmap: Break the Rules to Get the Job You Want & Career You Deserve by Liz Ryan

“You’re in reinvention whenever you are making changes or contemplating them.”

“Reinvention happens when you allow yourself to expand into greater possibilities.”

These quotes from Liz Ryan highlight her approach to finding meaningful work at any stage of life. She was a former Fortune 500 SVP who takes a disruptive and irreverent approach. The book is filled with colorful illustration and real-life examples to point the way.

Key points:

• Take a business approach to your career.
• Know your value and use it to solve problems and eliminate pain in organizations.
• Forgo the black hole of job applications by taking initiative to contact decision makers directly with your value proposition.
• Keep your mojo up by answering Ryan’s journal prompts to see you and your situation more clearly.
• Follow your path by taking action, reflecting, and taking more action.