
Ch-Ch-Ch Changes

What’s Changing?

If you are in the midst of changes at work or at home, how specific can you get with the answer to this question?

This is one of the key questions that William Bridges addresses in his book The Way of Transition. He invites us to take a closer look at what is actually changing by noticing what will actually be different because of the change.

If you are facing a move, a wedding, a divorce, a promotion, a downsizing, or a retirement, what will be different? And, what will be the same?

What remains constant in your life in the midst of change? Seeing more clearly what is changing and what is not changing may provide ways to meet life with greater perspective, understanding, and resource.



Questions of the Month

What is changing?

What is not changing?

What is your response?



Practice of the Month


Observe the part of you that acts and reacts in life. As this observer, notice changes that are happening in your environment and in your relationships with others.

Notice the responses to the changes. At the end of each day, reflect on what you noticed. See if there are any patterns.

What did you learn about your responses to change? What new action will you take?



Local Events

The Next Transition for Women Lawyers: An Initial Look at Retirement by Virginia Macali at the Columbus Bar Association. May 16, 2016 at noon. For more info:

Downsize Your Home, Upsize Your Life at the Upper Arlington Library on Tremont. Sponsored by Tri Village Chamber Partnership. May 11, 2016. Expo from 3:00-7:00PM. Speakers at 4:30 and 6:30. Stop by and visit our table. For more info 614-583-5326.

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