
Self-Care for the Wisdom Years: Practical Ways to Celebrate the Mystery and Wonder of Aging by Cheryl Richardson

Self-Care has been front and center for Cheryl Richardson her whole coaching career. Now, she takes a closer look at this topic through the lens of the mid-life years.

She invites us to:

Take the journey from ego to soul

Stop doing the things you don’t want to do.

Examine your beliefs about aging.

Live a more soul-directed life.

Empower yourself

Live peacefully in your body.

Value the wisdom of elders.

Get the support you need.

Protect your energy

Explore your energy drains.

Change your relationship to energy.

Discover what fuels you.

Invest in authentic connection

Choose who you spend time with.

Let go of toxic relationships.

Invite deeper conversations.

Cultivate presence

Show up as you really are.

Create a calm inner state.

Master the art of showing up.

Awaken aliveness

Remember wonder.

Meet the hidden parts of yourself.

Enjoy risks and adventure.

Listen to Cheryl