
From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Connection and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life by Arthur C. Brooks

Credentials such as writing for the New York Times and teaching at Harvard back up Arthur  Brooks. Expert Research underlies his writing on happiness. This book illustrates how to make the most of the second half of life.

We’re  used to the rules that Brooks calls “striver’s curse.” He invites us to take on new habits. He addresses how we can have more meaning and purpose in life. He zeros in on helping us see what’s most important now.

Some of my favorite take-aways:

  • What got us to this point won’t get us to the future–we need to build some new strengths and skills. 
  • When we think of our identities as fixed–I am this kind of person–we shut ourselves off from possibilities.
  • Choose enjoyment over pleasure.

Video: Arthur Brooks