
What Retirees Want

What Retirees Want: A Holistic View of Life’s Third Age by Ken Dychtwald and Robert Morison

As Baby Boomer enter their “retirement years,” we are not using an old playbook from prior generations. Every aspect of life is being re-imagined.

The authors’ research demonstrates No One Size Fits All. They conclude Boomers will initiate:

More Learning—Life-long learning, personal development, and skill-building will be fuel career changes, entrepreneurship, and volunteer contributions.

More Intergenerational Contribution–Connections with the next generation provides deep meaning and alleviates isolation and loneliness through interdependence.

More Activism–Maggie Kuhn, founder of the Gray Panthers, encourages Boomers to user our wisdom in important new roles to test new lifestyles, build new diverse coalitions, serve as watchdogs and being guardians of the public interest, advocate for consumer rights, and monitor corporate responsibility.

Ken Dychtwald on Turning 70 and Life’s Third Age