
Choose Joy: Three Keys to Increasing Your Time in Retirement by Babs Plunkett

When I talk to people who want to live intentionally, now and in the future, many say they want role models or would  like to  know what other people are doing.

Babs Plunkett shares stories of dozens of people who are living life on their own terms and making the most of their retirement years. She captures the essence of each person’s joy in short stories that are easy to read and carry familiar themes. Based on each story, she offers a ay to “Try This.” This allows readers to experiment with some new activities. She blends story-telling with hands-on practical information. A delight to read and savor.

Themes include:

Engage Your Mind: What are you doing Monday Morning?

Move Your Body: How do you want to stay in motion?

Connect with Others: Who are you gonna call?