
Betwixt and Between

Between an ending and a new beginning is the place of uncertainty that William Bridges describes as the Neutral Zone.
In this place of not knowing, one may experience disorientation, disengagement, disconnection, lack of meaning, lack of identity, and lack of confidence.

Here are pointers for this transition phase:

Main Task: To allow for the not knowing and prepare for the new beginning.
Challenge: Who am I, really?
Allies: Patience, space, curiosity
Skillful Means: Allow things to change and emerge
Useful Actions: Reflect, retreat, research, and experiment.

Questions of the Month

What is trying to happen?
What needs to be sorted out?
Who or what is coming into your life?

Practice of the Month

Self-Observation: Letting Go and Letting Come

For one week, notice what you are letting go of. This may include possessions, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, activities, aims, routines, commitments, and relationships.

The next week, notice what you want to hold onto.

The next week, notice if there is space for newness to show up. What are you letting come?